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為所有投考術科音樂考試之學生提供聆聽測驗練習, 學生可以隨時隨地透過手機或家中電腦, 練習 Aural Test 題目,系統能即時顯示答案並且分析進度 , 在每天練習的時候,電腦會做好記錄, 同學們可隨時回顧自己練習情況, 並就自己各個階段的學習進行比較。 老師亦可以登入網站, 從中知道同學們每天的練習情況,
並對學生的學習情況進行監察及跟進。 只有多聽多練才是提高學生 Aural Test 水平的有效途徑。 立即點擊↓免費試用! |
亞洲傳媒報導 :

"This is a great resource for music teachers and students"
Review of E-MusicMaestro Aural Test Training
by Grace Tham
Published in Music Education Asia
10 Dec 2013
This is a great resource for music teachers and students.
As a piano teacher, I struggle to find time during lessons to give my students aural training and exercises, especially when exam season is approaching. Aural training should be a long-term activity and done well ahead of the exam. With the help of this tool, my students are able to learn more on their own.
Here are some of the benefits :
Review of E-MusicMaestro Aural Test Training
by Grace Tham
Published in Music Education Asia
10 Dec 2013
This is a great resource for music teachers and students.
As a piano teacher, I struggle to find time during lessons to give my students aural training and exercises, especially when exam season is approaching. Aural training should be a long-term activity and done well ahead of the exam. With the help of this tool, my students are able to learn more on their own.
Here are some of the benefits :
- Students can do their own aural practice outside the piano studio - at their own time and pace. This is great news, especially for those who dislike singing in front of people. With the help of 'check your answers', they can check how they got on after each exercise.
- The test is divided into parts according to the exam pattern. Therefore, students can drill on their weaker part by replaying and repeating the exercises as much as they like.
- The website is interesting to 'play' with. It's an interactive activity for the students. They don't have to stand there and listen to the piano. Instead, they can click on the icon and find it fun to have control of their learning.
- Since all the grades are included, it can be used in a progressive way. For example, if Grade 5 students have difficulty singing the notes, they can go back to a lower grade's exercises which may be easier for them and work upwards from there. This will improve and strengthen their skills in a systematic pathway and help them understand the pattern of how the material is developed.
- With the help of model answers, students get a clearer idea of how to answer questions. This is especially helpful for students in Hong Kong where English is not their mother tongue. It gives them a better idea of how questions will be asked during the exam. This helps them to gain confidence in the examination room.
- The materials are all online. Teachers no longer have to purchase different aural books for students from different grades. It's an all-in-one package and teachers will only have to carry their computers/iPads along.
- With the 'Free before subscribing', users get to try out samples before they make their subscription and they don't have to worry about getting the wrong product. Also, with the separate fees on Grades 1-5 and 6-8, users do not have to waste money on what they don't need.
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